Monday, August 3, 2009

Ally Bally ignores email

I sent that obnoxious man an email, as an elderly relative asked me to, regarding the station changes.

I told Ally Bally what i was told to say, and that was my relative was unhappy over the changes at Tayam. I also said radiotay no longer provide a great local service to the community.

I then told him i stopped listening to Tayfm, since Shez (sharrel carroll) was axed. He didn't bother to reply.

Since Bauer have gave him job as overseeer of all AM big city network, he has been an arrogant pig. I thought he was kind of a laid back guy, but i guess he is far too content with Bauer since they shut him up.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i complained to Bauer about what happened, all they said was i will forward your email to tayfm. Lorraine Stevenson told me naff all.
